Our Missionaries
Children’s Shelter of Cebu. Our Sunday School supports two children at CSC in the Philippine city of Cebu. Cris and Juliet are teenagers who are past adoption age. They are currently in a new CSC program that will help them them learn basic life skills as they transition into independent adult living in the Philippines. Click here to view the Children’s Shelter web site.

John and Lori De Cleene are serving as Mobilization Specialists, Monthly Deployment Advisors. They are advising and coaching newly appointed Converge missionaries during the period of time appointees complete their many requirements to reach their field. Converge has a comprehensive program of creating missionary support teams, developing needed missionary skills and preparing for successful departure. Having been missionaries in the Philippines for more than 25 years, John and Lori know what it is like to raise support, leave family and friends and pack belongings. In their role of advising/coaching new missionary appointees, the De Cleenes are multiplying nearly three decades of worldwide church planting efforts by helping new appointees reach their field fully prepared. By continuing to raise their own financial support, John and Lori help decrease the costs for the missionary appointees they train.

Jane Fischer serves with Converge Worldwide in Japan as a support missionary. What began in 1991 as a series of short-term mission trips led to more than 25 years of teaching at Christian Academy in Japan, a school for children of missionaries. Besides her 8th grade Bible, English. and Social Studies classes, she counsels students, leads Bible studies, and helps out in her local Japanese church. Click here to view Christian Academy in Japan web site.
Mike and Samya Johnson are missionaries with Converge Worldwide serving the Muslim people in North America and the Arab world. They use the most current media tools and social media to bring the message of Christ to over 700 million Muslims – both in English and in Arabic. Mike and Samya, originally from Egypt and Lebanon, travel throughout North America offering seminars and workshops on how to reach the Muslims in our backyard and to expose the truth about Islam. Click here to view the Johnson’s web site.

John and Elaine Mehn After 35 years of service in Japan equipping and developing leaders for church planting, they have transitioned to the United States. John continues to use his ministry experience to serve all of Asia through the Converge Asia Impact Team. The team’s purpose is to advance God’s Kingdom by coming alongside national leaders, encouraging and equipping them in developing strategies to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches among the least reached throughout Asia. Though Elaine is officially retired, she continues to volunteer her time in leading Bible studies, mentoring other leaders, and training alongside John. Click here to sign up for their newsletter.

Crick and Mindy Porier are partnering with Kolgata Baptist Church to connect, develop and support youth ministries, church plants and outreach programs throughout southern Estonia. They have a strong emphasis on building relationships in order to teach and mentor youth and young adults in leadership and spiritual growth. Estonia is a country with 1.3 million people. Less than 2 percent are evangelical Christians. Click here to view their ministry page.

Luke and Becca Rickert are Area Directors and Team Leaders with CRU in an area that includes La Crosse, Southeast Minnesota and Northeast Iowa. Their ministry serves more than 40,000 students, professors, and staff at universities, technical schools, and community colleges. They are serving alongside the CRU staff team and 60+ student leaders. It is their desire to see “movements everywhere, on these campuses, so that every student knows someone who truly follows Jesus.”
Luke and Becca are both from the Fox Valley area. Becca grew up at Fox River Baptist and they were married here. The Rickerts, along with their two boys, Caleb and Isaac, are thankful not only to call the La Crosse area home but also their mission field. View their ministry page at www.laxcru.com)

Roman and Emily Citac are serving in an area of Eastern Europe where nearly one-third of the population is working abroad, and many others are searching for a way out. They are often asked, “Why do you stay?” For them the answer is simple: God has given them the desire to share a true and all-surpassing hope. They endeavor to live lives that testify to God’s extravagant grace and proclaim His goodness and hope.
Roman and Emily have a deep desire to reach out to the next generation of leaders — teaching them godly principles for a healthy life, and also modeling for them what it means to know and delight in the Way, The Truth and the Life.